Friday, 5 June 2015

All Worthwhile

I was asked to make three monkeys, for three gorgeous wee kids in the USA.  I wanted to make sure I made them very special, but also link them together, like a family.  The wee girl's monkey was easy - I had the perfect socks to make a little girl monkey, pink, stripes, flowers.

So here she is!  I'm a big fan of yellow and I think it goes perfectly with the pinks.  The little blue flowers really stand out well on her body and I've added eyelashes to give her more femininity.  I love how she looks like she's wearing little yellow socks.  I am also becoming more and more a fan of mixing my socks up - stripes for the arms, tail and (normally) ears, while the body is the pink with blue flowers.

This is the monkey for the older boy.  Again, I used two different but co-ordinated socks; the red arms, tail and ears have tiny blue dots that match the blue stripes in the body.  Because he's a boy, I didn't give him any eyelashes but he has a big grin.

And monkey number three, for the most adorable middle child of the family.  The green arms, tail and ears are plain green, but tone so well with the green stripe in the body sock - which has blue, grey, pale blue and green stripes.  Again, no eyelashes, but another big grin (just like his new owner).

I left all the name tags blank so the kids (or their parents) can name their special monkeys whatever they'd like.  Turns out, the boys ended up swapping monkeys (which is perfectly fine with me, so long as everyone was happy...and they were!).  It was truly the most amazing gift to receive a couple of photos a few days later with the kids and their monkeys.

This smile makes everything worthwhile!!  It's the best gift back ever!!!

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