Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Christmas Ornaments Set

I set a stitching goal at the beginning of the year, that I would stitch a set of Christmas ornaments to hang on the tree by the time we put the tree up.  I am pleased to say I achieved my goal with a couple of weeks to spare!  I was going to aim at 12 stitched ornaments, but this set only had nine different patterns and rather than just stitch a couple of them twice (to make up the numbers) I have just stuck with a single of each pattern.  I'm quite proud of them because it's the first time I've set a stitching goal.  Now to think of a goal for next year...

Monday, 28 November 2011


Let me introduce you to Lavender!  She's my newest creation.  I hand-mixed lilac and lavender corridale wools and used DMC 333 (purple) thread for the nose.  I haven't decided yet whether to add toes yet or not.  This is the first pre-sold bear I have made, for a friend of my mother's.  

Monday, 14 November 2011

First Quilts

This is the first quilt I ever made back in July 2008.  It's a crib sized quilt with lots of bright colours, now I'm just waiting for a niece or nephew to give it to. 

This quilt is also waiting for a niece to come along so I can give it to her!  It's a raggy quilt with a roses theme.  The backing is a dark green, which tones in with the leaves on the roses.  It's a bit bigger than a crib size, perfect for rolling around on the floor or snuggling on the couch with.  I completed it in December 2009.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Meet Bluebeary!

This is my latest needle felted bear, called Bluebeary (Dad's spelling choice, my name choice!)  She's made using hand-mixed wools with purple handstitched nose, eyebrows and toes.  Really enjoying this new hobby - love seeing the wee characters appearing as I felt and even more so when the eyes and eyebrows go in!

Friday, 11 November 2011

First Designed and Completed piece

This is a blackwork butterfly using variegated hand dyed threads.  It's only the second time I had used evenweave fabric and it's the first time I've designed, stitched and finished a piece of stitching!  I called it Joy of a Single Day because most butterflies only spend about 24 hours alive after emerging from their chrysalis.